Ghosts of the American Road

Stephen Doster writes about new Ghosts CD

Posted on May 31, 2015


Stephen Doster, Austin icon, musician and producer of over 70 albums (including Kevin’s Find Your Shine CD), recently sat down and wrote this nice review of our newest CD.

If you haven’t picked up a copy of Stephen’s outstanding new CD, Arizona, we heartily recommend that you do!



Feb 20, 2015 (posted on Facebook)

Hello friends,

Recently I was asked by my pal Kevin Higgins to join him at Hondo’s in Fredericksburg, TX for a night of music. It’s always an honor to join Kevin as was it an honor to work with him as a producer on his panoramic master work “Find Your Shine” a few years back. If you haven’t heard this record I would suggest you grab yourself a box full of tissues and have a listen. It isn’t sad, but it sure is beautiful, so a tear might fall here or there.

Prior to that record, Kevin had been performing and recording with his lady love, Barbara Malteze, under the name Cosmic Dust Devils. No one was more supportive, insistent, and involved in this record than Barbara. Her orchestral keyboards and singing are a big part of the sound. She knew what I was to discover…Kevin Higgins is a gifted songwriter and musician. I still think Find Your Shine ‘s a hell of record and one that I cherish being a part of…

Now fast forward to a couple nights ago in Fredericksburg. At the end of night we exchanged records and Kevin gave me a copy of “Ghosts of the American Road.” This record is a collaboration with Barbara and Kevin. It’s a reflection on their many journeys across America sharing their music with people lucky enough to hear them. Once again, I’m reminded of the beauty and uniqueness of Kevin’s songwriting and the great blend of musical textures these two people create together. This record is epic in its vision and rich in its thoughtfulness. On the inside they offer us some refreshing advice “Give Love.” They do just that on this record wonderfully produced by Mark Addison and Kevin Higgins.

When I sat down to listen to this record I noticed a post from Kevin and another from Barbara. They both were saying some very kind words regarding my latest record, Arizon. I thought it was very cool of them to reach out to their fans on my behalf, so I’m doing the same in kind. This mutual admiration might speak to some of our fans who might miss us otherwise. Buy a copy of Kevin Higgins’ “Find Your Shine”and “Ghosts of the American Road” You won’t be sorry!

Peace and love,